Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Hello folks

It has been awhile since we talked. The latest news is that I have started a Latin American Dance Class, boy was it tough. I made it through two dances before I crashed and burned. My whole body was killing me, I didn't know I had these muscles. However, in saying that I was allot of fun too. I met some really nice people and danced with some pretty cute guys. HEEHEHE, there was this one guy who was a champion, he was so nice to me, he didn't laugh and that made it a lot easier to do. Actually they were all really nice, and about the cute guys, none as cute as my Robert. I wish he wanted to join me in these classes, I know if he gave it a go that he would actually have fun. Not to mention spend time with me. I miss us doing stuff together, and this dancing thing is important to me, I hoped it would be important to him too.
Never mind, I will go again next week and hopefully finish three dances. I am going to bed now and let me tell you ill be sleeping like a baby.

Do yourself a favour take a dance class, there is nothing more refreshing than dancing and not realising you are exercising and it releaves stress too, and gets your heart rate up. I was sweating that is for sure.
